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Seaton Valley FaQs

Here are some answers to the questions that we have been asked most often following the merger between Scotmid and Seaton Valley Co-operative.

I was a member of Seaton Valley Co-op.  Can I join Scotmid too? Members of Seaton Valley Co-op automatically became members of Scotmid Co-operative, following the merger of the societies in October 2015.  You do not need to rejoin.

What has happened to my share balances Your share balance is completely safe.  It has not been lost in the merger. If you wish to check on your share balance, you can call the Membership & Community team on 0131 335 4433 or email us

How do I withdraw my share balance and/or close my account? To withdraw any of your share balance or close your account completely, you need to put this request in writing, enclosing your share book.  If you do not have your share book, you can email your local Membership & Community Officer ( or call the membership team on 0131 335 4433.

Write to Membership, Scotmid Co-operative, Hillwood House, 2 Harvest Drive, Newbridge, EH28 8QJ.  Please provide your name and postal address.  If you wish to remain a Scotmid Member and continue to receive your membership benefits you will need to state that you wish to leave £1 in your share account. If you wish for full closure of your account please also state this in the correspondence.

Once your account has been verified and your share book located you will then receive a cheque through the post for the balance requested. Please allow up to 28 days for this to arrive.

I was not a member of Seaton Valley Co-operative can I join Scotmid?

Any one living in an area served by a Scotmid/Lakes & Dales Co-operative Store is eligible to become a member of the Society as long as over 16 years of age. You can do so by picking up an application form in-store. The form will ask for your Name, Address, Postcode and contact details. You then return the form along with your £1 membership fee to your local store; where it your form will be sent to be processed.

You should receive a Scotmid Welcome Pack within 28days including details of your Share Account, Share Book and welcome vouchers.

Your £1 membership will last a lifetime with no additional fees (unless a request to cancel is placed) with your membership you are also entitled to vote on Society Issues at our Annual and Ordinary General Meetings.

I want to take my membership further how can I do so?

All members of Scotmid/Lakes & Dales are eligible to be nominated to serve on our Regional Committees after being a member of the Society for more than 6 months, we currently have 3 Regional Committees serving the North, East and West areas. Following the mergers in Northern England the Society aims to create a Lakes & Dales Committee made up of elected members living in the North of England.  If you are interested in taking your membership further you can contact your local Membership & Community Officer : for more information.