Co-Operative Values
As a co-operative society, we are guided by the values and principles adopted by all co-operatives. We aim to provide the best possible services for our members and to invest in the communities where they live.

Our Values
- Self-help – we help people to help themselves.
- Self-responsibility – we take responsibility for our actions.
- Democracy – we give our members a say in the way we run our business.
- Equality – all members get one vote no matter how much money they invest.
- Equity – we carry out business in a way that is fair and unbiased.
- Solidarity – we share interests with our members and other co-operatives.

Our Principles
Putting values into practice.
- Voluntary and open membership – membership is open to anyone aged 16 and over as long as they live in an area served by our stores.
- Democratic member control – all members have an equal voice in making policies and electing representatives.
- Member economic participation – all profits are controlled democratically by members and for their benefit.
- Education, training and information – co-operatives educate and develop their members as well as their staff.
- Autonomy and independence – co-operatives are always independent, even when they enter into agreements with Government and other organisations.
- Co-operation amongst co-operatives – co-operatives work together to strengthen the co-operative movement as a whole.
- Concern for community – co-operatives work to improve and develop the community, locally and internationally.
Latest News
Read about all the latest news from Lakes & Dales Co-op: